La blessure des ligaments croisés antérieurs est très commune. Découvrez les solutions existantes pour permettre à vos athlètes de reprendre leur carrière.
Records Management Software
Hexfit in numbers, it's :
3,5 hours saved per week
+82% of service revenues
+42% of members followed up
+300% of member commitment (or 3x more)
Customer satisfaction rate of 97%
Files and notes follow-ups software
Medical and allergy information
History of injuries
Specific notes
Activity calendar
History of interventions
SMART goals
Document drop box
Physical data
General information (weight, height, basal metabolism, etc.)
Body composition (BMI, % muscle and fat mass, etc.)
Skin folds
Aerobic capacity (VO2max, MAS)
Physical tests (vertical jump, grip strength, 1RM, etc.)
And many more!
Synchronize to smart watches and consumer applications
You will automatically get data from:
My Fitness Pal
Garmin watches
Appointment and reminders automated management
Planification and periodization
Physical tests
Goals visualization
You will receive alerts when a goal is reached or when a goal is due. This way, you can coach your clients and make changes to their programs or set new goals.
Visual analysis of the evolution
Motivation and fitness slumps
Customizable documents
In this way, the documents are centralized in one place, making the accompaniment easier for you and for your clients.
Automated form submissions
In this way, you ensure quality accompaniment and unequalled constancy.
Forms and documents centralized in the client file
Your clients will no longer have to contact you to find their documents, the information is at their fingertips!
Offer online billing and payment to your customers
Since the software centralizes all the information in one place, you will reduce administrative time while considerably reducing the risk of errors. Billing becomes pleasant.