La blessure des ligaments croisés antérieurs est très commune. Découvrez les solutions existantes pour permettre à vos athlètes de reprendre leur carrière.
Measures exercise physiology
No more tables, no more doubts about the final plateau, no more calculations to extrapolate VO2max: everything is done automatically.
Find out more about the essential aerobic tests :
- VAM-Eval
- Cooper
- Half-cooper
- Light
- Light Butcher
- YoYo Test
- 30-15
- 45-15
- etc.
Evaluates anaerobic and metabolic potential:
- Australian Shuttle test
- Limit test
- Power index
- Lactic capacity
Analyzes the posture and the movement
Maintain measurements for major analytical and global strength and flexibility tests!
- Understand the motor and postural patterns of the subjects:
- Which muscles to strengthen or stretch?
- Detect compensations in your patients and clients early:
- Take the right decisions to correct them
- Explore all the pillars of posture and mobility:
- Analysis of passive posture from the front and in profile
- Overhead squat in-depth
- Analytical tests
The jump test in your pocket
Hexfit Lab uses scientifically validated algorithms from Samozino and Morin. The tool guarantees an upper & lower body force-velocity profile as accurate to within 2% as measured with a force platform.
Explore all jumps:
- CMJ (with countermovement)
- SJ (loaded or unloaded jump squat)
- SCMJ (stato-dynamic without counter-movement)
- and even Drop Jumps.
Determines precise indices of jump quality:
- Contact time
- Height
- Jump power
Set your theoretical benchmarks for real benchmarks:
- Maximum force (F0)
- Maximum speed (V0)
- Maximum power (Pmax)
What Hexfit Lab brings to your coaching
Follow the progress
Test regularly to measure the effectiveness of your training plan on your customers.
Improve your services
Turn your tests into powerful motivationaltools for your coachees. Offer them clear objectives and a preciseevaluation of their performance.
Identify & correct weak points
Tester highlights an individual's strengths and weaknesses. The application gives you suggestions forimprovement.
Save time
No need for tables or calculations: theapplication automatically generates graphs and saves the results.
Adapt your training plan
Establish a solidtraining program, from initial test to adjustments along the way.
Professionalize your coaching
Track your clients directly in the application and share the results with your clients using a single tool.
Download Hexfit Lab !
You need an active Hexfit subscription including Hexfit Lab.