Manage Intervention Codes


With the idea of allowing you to continue to work with your clients with the methods you prefer, intervention codes allow you to customize the type of information you are adding into your clients’ files. This means, you can easily filter through or categorize the information you have added in your clients’ files based on the intervention code you've assigned to it.

To create a new code, click the “+ create” button in the top right corner of the “Manage intervention codes” section. Once a code and description have been saved, you will be able to use this code when classifying the interventions you create in the “Overview” of a client’s file. Intervention codes should be based on the type of information or actions you will be recording when you work with your clients.


Make your way to the “Manage intervention codes” section under the “Administration” tab.

  1. Click on “+ create” button in the top right corner
  2. Enter in some letters to signify a new code
  3. Fill in the description section (this will appear when you hover your move over the code when it has been used)
  4. Click “Save”
Étienne Dubois

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