La blessure des ligaments croisés antérieurs est très commune. Découvrez les solutions existantes pour permettre à vos athlètes de reprendre leur carrière.
What do They See?
Hexfit believes in putting your clients at the centre and providing you with the tools you need to extend your services in order for your clients to achieve their goals. This is why when you create your clients in Hexfit they will have access to their very own account, which they can use on their computer or mobile devices with Hexfit’s free app. The purpose of this, is to give your clients the means they need to achieve their goals.
When you create a client’s account using their email address, they will receive an automatic email detailing how to make their first connection to their account. A client’s account is a simplified version of Hexfit, where they only have access to see the information you choose to share with them.
The functions available to a client include access to see, complete, or download the programs shared with them. When a client completes their program on Hexfit, they can leave you feedback, comments, and their training results which will be visible for you to analyze. As programs are share with your clients, they will appear in your client’s activity calendar, which can also be synced with their personal Google Calendar.
If your clients have any smart watches or devices, such as Fitbit, Polar, or Garmin, they can connect them to their Hexfit account to share their activity information with you. Once a device is synced, the information from all the activities they do will be imported into their activity calendar. This information will be available to analyze in graph format for the Actors in their file.
Your client’s have access to see any documents that have been shared with them through the “Documents” tab, as well as, upload their own documents to share with you. Intelligent documents can be completed by professionals in the client’s file or be sent to the client for completion. When a document is sent to a client they will receive a notification in their account which will allow them to directly fill out the necessary information. The document will also be sent to the client by email. Whether the document is completed on Hexfit or through their email, all published documents will be saved in PDF format in the “Documents” tab of their file.
For cases where you do not have the same first language as your client, Hexfit is there to help! Our software is available in both French and English. Meaning if you create a program in English, share it with a French client whose account is in French, the program will automatically display the French versions of the exercises and prescriptions.
And last but not least, at all times, you can chat with your client’s via the internal messenger to keep a strong communication and ensure their remain on track.
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