3 steps to ensure clients reach their fitness goals

Personal trainers have an important role in helping people reach their fitness goals. They provide guidance, motivation, and support to their clients to help them reach their full potential. But, as a personal trainer, it can be difficult to know how to effectively and efficiently offer the best service to your clients.

Fortunately, there are a few key strategies you can use to ensure you’re providing the most effective personal training experience. In this blog post, we will discuss the three most important tips for personal trainers to help their clients reach their goals.

1   Develop a Detailed Training Plan 

One of the most important things a personal trainer can do to help their clients reach their goals is to develop a detailed training plan. This plan should take into account the client’s current fitness level, their goals, and any special needs they may have. It should also include a mix of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and stretching. 

Additionally, the plan should be flexible enough to accommodate any changes in the client’s schedule or goals. By taking the time to develop a detailed training plan, personal trainers can ensure that their clients are on the right track to reach their goals. 

With Hexfit, you define your client’s objectives and goals, and easily gain time on training plan generation, as the 10,000+ exercises included can easily be dragged and dropped in your client’s app.

2   Track Progress

Another important tip for personal trainers is to track the progress of their clients. Tracking progress is essential to ensure that the client is meeting their goals and that the training plan is working. 

Personal trainers should use a variety of methods to track progress, including body measurements, body fat percentage, weight, and fitness tests. Tracking progress can also help personal trainers identify any areas that may need to be adjusted in order to help the client reach their goals. 

Those datas are saved in Hexfit and graphs generated to show progress and motivate your client during challenging moments.

3   Encourage Healthy Habits

Finally, personal trainers should focus on helping their clients develop healthy habits. This includes teaching them about nutrition, encouraging them to get enough sleep, and helping them find ways to cope with stress. 

Additionally, personal trainers should discuss the importance of consistency and how it can help their clients reach their goals. By encouraging healthy habits, personal trainers can ensure that their clients are on the right track to achieving their goals. 

To coach your clients in those daily habits, define activities in their Hexfit app calendar, one task at a time, every day, until it becomes a natural new way to live.


Personal trainers have an important role in helping their clients reach their fitness goals. By following these three tips, they can ensure they are providing the most effective service possible and helping their clients reach their goals. They should develop a detailed training plan, track their client’s progress, and encourage healthy habits. By taking the time to do these things, personal trainers can ensure that their clients have the best possible chance of success.

That can seem a lot to do. But with Hexfit used besides them, this high-end service can easily be put in place, professionals gain valuable time and can help more and more people reaching their goals.

Étienne Dubois

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