Why fitness professionals should use a client tracking tool

In your professional life - as an independent fitness trainer, in your gym, in your crossfit studio - if you value your relationship with your trainees and follow them individually, then you need a software designed for that. 

A software for sport coaches - also called "client tracking software", or "goal tracking software", created for your professional needs, is a must. 

It may seem like an “expense” to some people, but a professional tool is, overall, an investment: it pays off much more than it costs. It generates value for your business. 

In this article, we explain why.

What is a tracking software for personal trainers ?

Your virtual memory

It is your virtual memory, in which you store all your clients information and all the actions to be taken. 

You store all your clients files and note everything that happens with them: 

  • physical tests, 
  • programs, 
  • various notes,
  • data from smartwatches 

You have a 360° view of their evolution and their complete health record. With 5 clients, it's probably still possible to remember everything, but with 20-30-50 (or a client who returns after 5 months of absence), it's impossible! It is better to be prepared.

Logiciel Hexfit

Your control panel

You manage all the tasks to be done for your follow-ups in your client follow-up software: 

  • Goal planning, creation and diffusion of programs
  • Supervision of customer alerts 
  • Monitoring of progress data 
  • Messaging exchanges  
  • Sessions scheduling
  • All the administrative

1 single tool to manage everything is not only pleasant, but it's also a precious time you save. You avoid double data entry, therefore potential errors. You also see more clearly all your activity.    

The perfect customer experience

You manage all your individual communication with customers and with your community

It is with this tool that you provide your customers with a quality experience; by placing at their disposal a mobile app with your image that centralizes all your accompaniment:

  • Training programs
  • Messaging
  • 24/7 access to their personal workspace 
  • Data
  • Training feedback
  • Challenges for your community 

The app is, for your clients, the central place where they can find everything that is useful for them. For them, it is THE simple, fun and clear way to use your services.

What’s the payoff?

Let's talk about price and profitability: a client tracking software will cost you from 30 to 150€ per month depending on the activated features. It will bring you at least 200€ each month, if you track 5 customers. 

(This is the study we did in a before/after comparison of professionals who took advantage of all the benefits of Hexfit).

How can it bring in so much?

  • First, you can charge higher prices: according to our studies, the perceived value provided by Hexfit allows you to increase your prices - without changing anything in your offer - by 30% on average
  • Next, add new services - advanced tracking, different offer levels: you can add services and charge more for them and establish different subscription levels
  • Finally, build customer loyalty - on average +200% longer thanks to the good use of the loyalty functions that allow you to reach out to your customers when they need it most 
  • And all this while saving an average of 3.5 hours per week on the tracking process: additional time to dedicate to your core business and to the value of your services!

Do you want to understand how to make Hexfit profitable step by step? Go read our article about it: https://www.myhexfit.com/en/academy/make-subscription-profitable-2/


For all these reasons, having a customer tracking software is clearly a strong advantage. Between the perceived value of your services and the experience you provide to your customers, word-of-mouth grows much better, and you can use your tool as an argument for selling your accompaniment better than other offers…

...and it's a daily pleasure for you too, professional! 

Capture d'écran du logiciel Hexfit

The common mistake: "I use Google Sheets / Excel, at least it's free"

You will be able to create a few programs and send them as PDFs to your clients. But the potential of a spreadsheet ends there. In fact, it costs you a lot of money to use Google Sheets. But you probably don't realize that.

  • You risk losing customers without realizing it. With a software that effortlessly alerts you, you'll be able to see opportunities to motivate them, keep them longer and even sell them additional services.
  • Low perceived value: your clients will perceive less your intrinsic value and the quality of your services with informal documents. Your competence will inevitably be less well transmitted, thus perceived as low-quality. 
  • Waste of time: You will also waste a lot of time finding your way through the different lines of the spreadsheet, as you work with clients and programs. The risk of error grows exponentially with time, and of course, it is impossible to work in a team on such a file! 

In short, Google Sheet will never give you the same results as a software that is designed for that. And don't be fooled by its "free" character: it will actually cost you many opportunities to grow your business.

How can I make my Hexfit subscription profitable?

In order to understand how you can generate additional income with your Hexfit subscription, check out this article.

We will explain you how to make the Hexfit subscription pay for itself:


  • implement loyalty tools (which will increase the perceived value of your customers by making them stay longer on your subscriptions)
  • add new services to your accompaniment (which you can charge extra to your clients)
  • increase the perceived value of your services in general (which will allow you to charge more, basically)


Next step?

Do the test today: sign up for the free trial and use your first week to implement as much as possible the things discussed in our article.
Then come back and read our article to continue to implement, over time, the loyalty, customer acquisition and perceived value features, and you'll see the benefits for your business!
Étienne Dubois

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