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A passage from academics to practice of kinesiology
OTTAWA, March 21st, 2018 – As part of the 2018 KinGames – Kinesiology Games - from March 22nd to 24th in
Winnipeg’s University of Alberta, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie (CKA /
ACK) launches #KinStartUpKit , a website dedicated to helping students of Kinesiology and Physical Activity as they
are to enter the work force or to continue studies in specialties. That’s why #KinStartUpKit is a great tool for
undergraduates and graduates to get started as Kinesiologists. The CKA / ACK, together with its partner Hexfit
Solutions, invites students to take the time to better understand how Kinesiology is practiced in Canada and thus
help students achieve their career goals.
Participants of the 2018 KinGames – 32 universities – 800 students - are privy to a new tool launched especially for
them by the CKA / ACK in partnership with Hexfit Solution. To find out where to start when finishing their
undergraduate degree, students often have asked too many questions on the profession of Kinesiologist and how
kinesiology is practiced in Canada. #KinStartUpKit is a one stop information hub. Visit to learn
more on:
- Who’s who: Your Professional Associations of Kinesiology, Differences between CKA, CSEP, CATA, Professional
Orders & College ; - Structure of the profession: Legislation & Governance, Scope of practice & NOC, Your obligations
(Membership, Insurance, Continuing Education, Code of Ethics ; - Work or Postgraduate Program ?: Titles on the market, Field, Industries and Services offered by Kins, Job
Opportunities, Income Stats, Work or Postgraduate Program ?, Research Grant Programs ; - Resources, Tools and Material: Forms and examples of letters easy to adapt to your practice, Promotional
Material ; - Self-employed or Start a business ?: Start-up programs, Grants or other financing tools, Business plan
structure, List of consultants, Legal dtatus and registration, Attract more clients ? ; - Science of Kinesiology: Articles, abstracts & research papers, Videos, Get published ?
In addition, visit to watch a new series of videos on popular topics such as Trendy Training Techniques,
Fall Prevention, Weight Loss, or Chronic Disease Management. Other topics include: What is the role of a
Kinesiologist? How to Claim Kinesiology Insurance benefits? When to consult a MD, a physio or a Kin? These are just
some of the promotional material and tools made available to Kinesiologists by the CKA.
“When talking to students about managing their career, we invite them to get informed on how kinesiology is
practiced in Canada and the particularities in each province. As they are about to embark in their carreer after three to four year bachelor’s degree from a kinesiology, human kinetics, kinanthropology, exercise physiology program or
physical activity, the CKA / ACK has developed specifically for them #KinStartUpKit, states Marie-Claude Leblanc,
president of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance. The good news is that Kinesiology is a young profession, yet
maturing quickly. On a national level, the CKA / ACK with the seven Provincial Kinesiology Associations (PKAs)
develop progressive partnerships to advance, to promote and to advocate kinesiology to ensure its broadly
recognition by all Canadians as leading health profession. All this starts with Students – future Kinesiologists. Once
well integrated in the profession, they can ensure that their clients’ exercise programs will have the greatest benefit
on their overall health.”
According to the Conference Board of Canada, if we were to decrease the number of inactive Canadians by even 10%,
we’d see a 30% reduction in all-cause mortality and major savings in health care. It is in fact estimated that more than
$2.4 billion, or 3.7 per cent of all healthcare costs, were attributed to the direct cost of treating illness and disease
due to physical inactivity¹. The financial impact of poor health amounts to a loss of more than $4.3 billion to the
Canadian economy, and the negative repercussions of inactivity cost the healthcare system $89 billion per year in
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie - CKA / ACK - is a non-profit organisation
representing seven provincial kinesiology associations (PKAs) that are member associations and over 3,600
affiliated Kinesiologists. You, as a Kinesiologist, must become a member of a PKA and the CKA / ACK to be able
to practice in good standing and to receive a variety of services to help in your practice. The CKA / ACK works with
a broad group of stakeholders that include industry, government and other health profession association groups.
The CKA / ACK acts to unify and harmonize the governance and standards for kinesiology within Canada. Given that
the mandate for the CKA / ACK is national in scope, over the years it has worked hard to build mutually-beneficial
and cooperative relationships with provincial associations and groups.
To follow the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance on Facebook and Twitter: @CdnKinesiology
To schedule an interview or for more information:
France A. Martin, M.B.A., BKin.
CKA / ACK, 844-546-3746, [email protected]