Hexfit in the top 10 best softwares for coaches

Hexfit in the top 10 best softwares for coaches

We are really happy to say that we are in the top 10 best softwares for coaches as you can see in the article of Origym : https://origympersonaltrainercourses.co.uk/blog/personal-trainer-software

How KinElite grew their business with Hexfit

How KinElite grew their business with Hexfit

Kinelite is a team of health care professionals located throughout Quebec that offers training, massage therapy, kinesiology and nutrition services. The company now has 19 centers. It is with passion and dedication that the Kinelite team accompanies thousands of...

What do They See?

Theory Hexfit believes in putting your clients at the centre and providing you with the tools you need to extend your services in order for your clients to achieve their goals. This is why when you create your clients in Hexfit they will have access to their very own...

How to Test It!

Theory When you begin using a new tool, we understand that you want to make your client’s transition to this tool is as effortless as possible. This is why we always recommend to create yourself a client account in order to fully understand what they will be...

Bonus: Sync a Smart Device

Theory As mentioned earlier, your clients can sync their smart devices to Hexfit. The goal being, to allow you to see all the information about your client’s activities in one centralized spot.  Each time an activity is synced it will appear in orange on the...

Manage Professionals

Theory Hexfit offers the possibility of different levels of access for professional accounts in order for you to manage your business with the structure you want. In the “Manage professionals” tab you will be able to manage the entirety of the professionals in your...

Manage Groups

Theory As you learned in the Hexpert of Groups course, groups allow you to become more efficient by doing several tasks with one action. In the “Manage groups” tab you can manage the entirety of the groups in your business or branch, whereas the “Groups” tab only...

Manage Intervention Codes

Theory With the idea of allowing you to continue to work with your clients with the methods you prefer, intervention codes allow you to customize the type of information you are adding into your clients’ files. This means, you can easily filter through or categorize...

Manage Clients

Theory The “Manage clients” section is the place where you can manage all the clients in your branch or business, whereas the “Clients” tab is the place where you can manage the clients for which you are an active actor. This allows you to monitor the interventions...

Manage Personalized Data

Theory Hexfit was created with a vision of flexibility and the goal of meeting your needs. On top of tracking all the data already available on Hexfit, as we saw in the Hexpert of Data course, you can create any type of data category you need. This allows you to track...

Manage Documents

Theory The tools in the “Manage documents” section of the “Administration” tab allow you to completely centralize your clients’ files on Hexfit by integrating any documents you are currently using with your clients. These can be forms, questionnaires, physical tests,...

The Concept of Groups

Theory The goal of using groups is to make you more effective and efficient by doing several tasks with one action. It it not necessary to be working with a physical group to benefit from this feature. This can simply be used as a tool to manage your clients more...